Who we are


The Constitution of the ERF can be read here.  There are regular General Meetings at which decisions are taken by a simple majority vote.  The routine governance of the ERF is the responsibility of a committee elected by the membership.


Members of the committee serve for a maximum of three years, and the committee elects the officers of the ERF from amongst its members.  Minutes recording committee decisions are available to all members.

The terms of reference of the committee include:

  • Appointing and overseeing sub-committees
  • Agreeing work priorities and the allocation of resources
  • Preparing an annual work plan and budget and setting targets
  • Recruitment of members and succession planning
  • Considering applications for and awarding grants
  • Developing the ERF including a possible move towards incorporation.

Voting at General Meetings

Although membership is open to all Individuals or representatives of businesses and organisations who support the aims of the ERF, members who do not live or work in the Emsworth Ward of Havant will not be eligible to vote on decisions specifically related to the powers of a Neighbourhood Forum under the 2011 Localism Act.


There are three standing sub-committees:

Neighbourhood Planning – one of the core functions of the ERF, tasked with:

  • Curating the neighbourhood plan
  • Acting as statutory consultee for planning applications
  • Managing the relationship with Havant Borough Council over planning and development matters
  • Influencing the distribution of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and similar funds via the Emsworth Infrastructure Panel.

Communications – keeping everyone in Emsworth informed of what’s going on through:

  • Providing support to the editor and publishing The Ems
  • Circulating newsletters to members
  • Contributing to social media
  • Maintaining a lively and informative website.

Emsworth Together – bringing residents with common interests together by:

  • Building participation – through recruitment of members and volunteers and widening inclusiveness
  • Liaising with and supporting other community organisations and institutions
  • Hosting public meetings and themed events to share ideas and set priorities
  • Developing opportunities for volunteering.